Monday, February 7, 2011

BDO - Bogan's Day Out

It may not rate as highly as The Isle of White or Coachella on the cool-o-meter, but Australia's own Big Day Out certainly does bring in the numbers. Given the notorious diversity in the event's lineup, from from M.I.A to Iggy Pop, there's no wonder that the BDO's crowd can be best likened to a mixed bag of lollies. Not unlike the well known Falls Festival, BDO's preference to folk, indie, rock and alternative music - as opposed to the doof doof dance fests like Stereosonic and FMF - equates to a crowd that looks less house music and more homeless. No, you won't see "Cocaine Kate" and company frolicking around the grass in Hunter Gumboots - you probably won't even see Australia's own washed up Tottie Goldsmith "blowing" her soap opera savings. Big Day Out goers are there to simply see, rather than be seen. And with the annual festival habitually falling around the weekend of our nation's birthday, the BDO really is an Aussie bogan's day out.

Bogans by the Bucket Load: 
There was not one decent looking, average-dressed person I saw in the hundreds of BDO photos I went through for this blog post. NOT ONE!!! How disgraceful. The top trends for the day (for those who decided not to dress up) invovled wearing bikinis as tops, ugly straw hats and chunky (but not in a cool, Olsen Twins kinda way) sunglasses. 

very few girls can pull off a sleeve. Ruby Rose is one of them. this girl is not.

the plaid print on my high school tunic was nicer than this hat, and that is saying something.

let's all take a moment to admire the straw hat, floral scarf and hippy woven earrings. if this girl doesn't already live alone with 10 cats, she will someday. 

perhaps the one and only redeeming quality about these girls' outfits is that the words "Von Dutch" and/or "Ed Hardy" are no where in sight. 

I don't know what make people wear the things they do.

The sunglasses on the girl in the middle look like two oldschool tv screens stuck over her eyes... maybe mum and dad were right when they said we'd get square eyes for watching The Simpsons too long.

If Lady Gaga and Snookie had a love child, this would be it (far left).

Can anything good ever truly amount from dreadlocks?

nice shirts, did you come straight from the office?

Festival Confusion: 
Whilst scouring through this year's multi-state BDO pictures, it became increasingly apparent that many of the festival's attendees got confused between this and other notorious music festivals. In particular, many opted for attire that would be better suited to fist pump to Tiesto at Summadayze, than to rock out to Rammstein at the Big Day Out. 

I hope these two Guidos in the blue and pink wore some thick soled shoes- can't imagine what it would be like to foot stomp on the grass in havaianas. 

I've always wondered if whether Snookie's wardrobe would look better on a skinny, less orange girl. Thanks to these two above, I know no the truth: it wouldn't. Bit late for Stereosonic, girls. 

Woodstock ended a long time ago, before you were both born actually. 

ZOMG $eN$@T1oN wH!t3 !!!

tits out? check. ass cheek-bearing denim cut offs? check. bright coloured lycra cut out one piece? check. wearing swimwear as a substitute for actual clothes? check check. Muzzas and Gentlewogs, I give you the 2011-12 Summadayze wardrobe!

Guy in the middle has been at the gym for months in preparation to fist pump like an absolute champ at BDO. Duno how he'll go getting his rave on to the likes of Rammstein though?

Australia Day Attire:

This takes bogan to a whole new level... 

I've never quite understood the point of making a Mexican sombrero in the Australian colours? Wouldn't an "Aussie" Sombrero be kind of an oxymoron? One thing's for sure, as far as oxymorons go, these three certainly fit the bill!

The Aussie Bogan's answer to Kanye West? I'm not sure what I find more disturbing, the sunglasses or the rolls of fat this girl has on display. Too many snags on the barbie for this patriotic porky perhaps.

Girls, posing in photos with your tongue out will make you look like a cheap, nasty hoe. And if that is the look you're going for, please do not adorn yourself with Australian paraphernalia... we'd prefer to pass you off as ethnic *f.o.b.'s not claim you as our own.
*fresh off the boat.

Australia Day Fail: she's got what we can presume to be an Australian flag used as a makeshift boob tube, yet the emphasis on the union jack makes it look like the pommy flag. How dumb can you get?

Behold! One of Australia's rare, native blue-tongue lizards out in it's natural habitat. Approach with caution, the blue-tongue lizard is known for it's Baccardi Breezer-induced, erratic and at times, dangerous behaviour.

a more traditional take on Australia Day bogan attire.

This is acceptable because it's official BDO merchandise and The Rolling Stones reference with the tongue applique is a nice touch given they're at a rock festival. 

Again, this is one of the better takes on Australia Day theme dressing as observed on the day.

Crazy Costumes:
We've seen the good (wait - no we haven't), the bad (yep) and the ugly (emphasis on the latter), now brace yourselves for the downright freaky. These are the rare units, who when cited in numbers at the Big Day Out, seemed less of a rare minority and more of a disturbing majority.

"Supa Fly" is anything but.

Viking freaks.

Movember was three months ago :s

at least they didn't do this to their actual hair...

Way to get into the Australia Day spirit. NOT.

These are the biggest, bogan-iest smurfs I've ever seen.

I hope this girl travelled to BDO via Mushroom Mountain, otherwise there's just no logical explanation for her choice of headgear. 

The girl in the middle looks like a Spanish senorita and the viking to her right could almost pass for a bull... all they need is a red flag to get this party started! 


  1. Dear fuckhead who wrote this blog i hope you enjoy your lonely life alone, picking on people who have self esteem no need for your over opionitive nasty comments about the way people dress. I do underdstand that the dress standard has gotten disgracefull but so is the way you write, what honestly gives you the right to do that the way you write about people. Obviously you have severe head problems and probably little of next to no friends or if you do have one friend. Your still a very sad individual who has no life.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is the best read I've had ever. Seriously. The composition screams "I have no life and must pick on other people to make myself feel big" and the tone of the piece reminds me of the creepy guy who ised to live next to us and spent all his time in his parents basement playing WoW: lonely and desperate for attention.

    How about instead of trying to make other people feel bad, take a look in the mirror and realize its pointless hatred, and you're just making yourself look like a loser. Seacrest out!
