Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2011 Oscarhhhhhs

The Oscars is one of my favourite red carpet events, the SAG awards and Golden Globes were just entrees, this is Hollywood's main course! As for this year's red carpet fashion I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, overall stars were dressed pretty good! There were some real winners from Hilary Swank and Halle Berry (red carpet veterans who always seem to make the best dressed list) as well as some new fashion talent: Mila Kunis and Hailee Steinfeld. The bad news is, there weren't as many WTF moments or hideous dresses - which means my commentary on the red carpet could not be as bitchy or fun... Where's Lady Gaga when you need her! 

Twinkle twinkle little star, Amy Adams raises the bar! The glittering, midnight blue gown explodes against her peaches and cream complexion and red hair. Love it.

There has always been a certain air of regality about Anne Hathaway whenever she steps onto the red carpet. In this scarlet gown with the billowing train, the former, diary-keeping Princess commands the red carpet like a true queen.  Stunning.

Annette Benning was slammed by critics for this dress but I really like it. It reminds me of a darker, more modern version of the dress Audrey Hepburn wore when playing Eliza Doolittle at the royal ball in My Fair Lady.

Arnie Hammer's wife's dress reminds me of this - eek!

Whilst Camila Alves may be achingly beautiful, this pouffy, sheer, black dress is aching my eyes to look at. Gorgeous from the waist up but from the bust up the superfluous excess of material swallows her whole. Fortuantely, she is carrying one of the hottest accessories in town: Matthew McConaughey! 

There was a lot of mixed opinions surrounding Cate Blanchett's dress but I am a huge fan. I love the lilac and mustard colour combination and the armour-style shape around her shoulders. The delicate colours juxtaposed with the sharp, blockish angles of the dress work in perfect harmony. This is couture baby!

What do a giant iceberg and Celine Dion have in common? They're both white and pointy, they were a poignant part of the movie Titanic; and in this dress, Celine Dion - like that fateful iceberg - is a real sinker. My heart will not go on for this "White Witch of Narnia" bondage style number.

Forget fashion for a moment, what the f#ck happened to Christian Bale? American Psycho-turned Batman-turned homeless person/garbage collector - GFC aside, surely things aren't that tight in Hollywood.

Florence Welch has established a clear, individual style for herself - which has come to involve signature ivory/cream tones, ruffles and lace. I wouldn't wear this myself, but I admire Florence's specific taste in fashion and she carries this whimsical, bohemian look well. 

I'm not sure what look Georgina Hapman has gone for here - Spanish rose meets goth? This looks more like a costume suited for broadway rather than couture. 

Could there be anyone else on this planet who could pull off this melted silver, space age-meets-Jane Jetson dress? Probably not. But Gwyneth Paltrow is no wall flower on the red carpet. I love that she takes risks and love her more when they pay off like this one has! Bravo! With such a hot, fashionable mum, maybe the kids at school will finally be able to stop making fun of Apple Paltrow-Martin's fruity name.

She's barely hit puberty and she's nominated for an Oscar and having custom made (!!) Marchesa (!!!!) dresses being made for her - Hailee Steinfeld, I take my hat off to you. Flawless. 

Put your hand up if you want to look like Halle Berry right now! *meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

Helen Mirren, you have got to be the classiest, hottest, dare I say it GILF going around! 

HBC pays homage to costume designers in this dress... Halloween was in October, what have you come as?

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!! LOVE!!! When Hilary Swank gets it right, she gets it RIGHT.

Everyone lovesssssss Jenifer Hudson in this dress, but whilst I adore the colour, I am not a fan of the cut around the bust - her cleavage display is a little tacky and the clumped, pleated material on the side doesn't do much for me either. 

Going to be controversial again and go against the critics who praised this dress - personally, I think Jennifer Lawrence looks like she's stepped straight off the set of Baywatch.

Mandy Moore looks a little frigid in this dress, but that is owing more to her stiff posture and awkward stance rather than her outfit itself. The singer turned actress is known for her overly girly and often conservative taste in fashion. This dress is elegant and definitely a step in the right direction from her sickly-sweet Candy days... This year, she's made the Oscar red carpet a real walk to remember

Marisa Tomei, you need a new stylist honey.

The awkwardness of standing on the Oscars red carpet with your wife posing like an actual Oscar whilst wearing a hideous black dress with Academy Award-coloured gold stripe down the side. At least Mark Ruffalo - who didn't win an Oscar - can still take home wife, Sunrise Coigney at the end of the night, close enough. Ps only Anna Wintour can pull off that haircut... 

The Donald looks like he should have a giant speech bubble coming out of his mouth screaming: "YOU'RE FIRED!" - as for Melania trum, classic, chic and beautiful as ever. 

Melissa Leo dropped the f-bomb in her Oscar acceptance speech, I'm going to drop the WTF-bomb on her outfit choice... 

Two words: vintage Chanel. Need I say more?

Mila Kunis' has cut, colour, texture, fit, accessories, hair and make up - tick tick tick tick tick tick tick!!!!!

Natalie Portman is dressed for success tonight and this is the perfect dress for her prenatal figure! Love the colour - Scarlet Johanson take note: this is how you wear burgundy and pull it off!

Ah, if only Nicole Kidman could remove that fan (is it a fan??) appliqué from the bust of her dress and use it to cover Keith Urban's head (mind you she would have to bend down a considerable amount). Not a good look for the star who rocked the last red carpet. The his and her side fringe is also gag-worthy.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake me up when Reese Witherspoon wears something remotely exciting!

Going to put it out there and just say it - I am not loving this dress on Scarlet. Nice change of pace with the lack of exposed cleavage and the back to this dress was stunning (though you can't see it here), but overall, I think the actress looks too constrained by the dress and I would've loved to see a matching plum lip colour!

Sharon Stone looks GORGEOUS, but that is because she is Sharon Stone. This doesn't change the fact that she has a UFO (unidentified fur object) draped over her shoulder. Hideous. 

Lisa Cholodenko = apparently Sharon Stone's outfit also comes in a lesbian version.

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