Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hot & Dangerous, If You're One of Us then Roll with Us

Love the excess of statement jewelry, particularly the chunky cuff and watch on one wrist - great layering

The world is in the midst of a global warming crisis. The ozone layer is growing thinner and thinner, making the sun's UV rays stronger and more powerful than ever - though looking at these two, you wouldn't know it. At least Caspar is a friendly ghost... 

The awkward moment when you leave the house without any pants on...

Is the girl on the right pregnant? I don't think so. But the fact that her unflattering dress made me ask, says it all.

Hey army print girl! Where's the war?

An interesting, err, look for Ruby Rose

Is he crying out in pleasure or pain? I just can't decide!


Nick Flemming feat girl no. 1

"OMFG babe! Look at the coote message ma boyf just sent me! Saaaaaaa adorable! Luvz!"

Ah, the old awkward-slash-disjointed-bend-of-the-elbow-to-hide-fat-arm trick... that old chestnut! 

Hmm... must've been raining on the steps of Flinders St Station that night... 

Someone's been spending a little too much time on Fake Tan Islands!

Cute dusty pink playsuit - as for the guy lurking in the background, I thought school holidays weren't for another month?

Jus' chillin' wif all me mates at bouterz...

Loose blonde waves, baggy black top, skelator figure, unique/bohemian necklace - RACHEL ZOE? Is that you??

Week in, week out, without fail there is always some clubrat minga rocking the denim short shorts/fitted corset top combo. Given it is such a regular occurrence, I'm starting to wonder whether these girls are paid, walking advertisements for Supre...

That 45degree headtilt looks painful (the awkward lean tumblr would be all over this one!) cool necklace though!

No sailor suit this week Tyson?

Cool top

"yep, any minute now, the boys will be lining up... any minute at all..."

Even though you can't really see it, I'd recognize this Arabella Ramsay olive leather and rabbit fur vest from a mile away! One of my all time favourite pieces!

This is just hideous. 

Given the plethora of underage girls present at Prince on a Saturday night... they really should try and keep things more PG rated.

Liking this yellow!

Snow White turned blonde but which one of her 7 dwarf friends is she posing with? Dopey? Bashful? Sneazy? or Sleazy?

Hottest new hair trend (and no, I am not being sarcastic!) Thanks to the stunning new Bec & Bridge AW'11 campaign, I suspect a lot of blondes around town will be opting for this new pink/purple baylace look! See it here

What's with this guy? Does he have beer-flavoured nipples or something?

The crucifix necklace is back! Love the turquoise on black!

Wish I could see more of this girls outfit... Looking good so far!

Presuming the guy on the left wearing the Ke$ha tank is gay... how would he go about performing "Blow" with that mouth full of metal? (interoperate this how you wish)

Oh my God! She is actually wearing a sparkly push up bra as a top. There are two types of people who can get away with wearing that in public: the dancers at Mardi Gras/Rio Carnival and Snookie.

LOVE this turquoise necklace!!! and the matching rings and bracelets! But not so much the matching nail polish - that was unnecessary. 

Here I thought Rihanna was the only girl in the world who could pull off fire-engine-red hair... I stand corrected. Her friend has a cute outfit on too!

Don't you just hate it when you go to check into a cool place on Facebook but you have no friends to tag?

Don't you two belong to Charlie Sheen? #bi-winning

I really like the material, colours and pattern on the top on the right. Wish I could see more :(

With that body, she could pull off anything!

Fug and Fugger

Don't you just hate it when your bff wears a top in the same fabric as yours?

Such a pretty dress, though will loose all fashion cred if the Chanel bag is fake. I can't stand fakes. If you can't afford the real thing and thereby try to fake it to make it - you never will.

This girl-on-girl thing in clubs is really getting old fast... 

The girl on the left is a double offender in the gold sequin dress and snakeskin pumps. We all know about bi-winning... But I never knew there was such a thing as bi-losing? Until now.

"look what I got for Christmas everybody!"

Love the necklace on the girl on the far right, hate everything else.

This is different...

Least it wasn't toilet paper...

Nick Flemming feat girl no. 2

You can get let into a club wearing jeans? Really?? Wow, they really have dropped their standards down at the Prince of Whales.

Matching glasses? Did they plan this beforehand?

I'm not sure what's more offensive: the faux-leopard print material or the ruched shoulder... Ghastly! 

If Ladette to Lady taught us one thing, it was close  your legs and sit up straight!

Wow, Corey Worthington (right), you grew up fast... 

A velour dress - 'nuff said. v-o-m-i-t

Cutest idea tying this denim shirt into a crop top!

Anyone for a ashiatsu massage? Helps relieve tension in the back from all that 5am Tramp floor stomping!

It is an unwritten rule that patterned leggings/pants are reserved for A. Jess Hart, B. anorexics and C. hipsters, alike. This girl is D. None of the above. 

This outfit really is a Ke$ha level of tacky.

If only his tee shirt read "Hugs not Drugs" - that would've truly made my day.

Gee, err, don't have too much fun...

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